Options for After Effects
The options below are designed for After Effects, they don't run with packages of other types.
Allows to assign a name for a parent folder of a composition (inside the After Effects template), in case if there are names' duplicates located in various folders.
If there are similar compositions' names in structures of templates while imported with the help of the extension, and they're from different templates - there will be a duplication error.
To aviod the error and still save simslar names in different templates, use the option that will conceive a folder as a parent one for a certain composition (template element).
Allows to assign own name for a composition (if you need a name that is different from from the the of the element in the package structure).
In our case, the name of the composition is Long name 1, but in the structure (including a name inside the extension for the element) and for preview files we intend to use a short title such as Short 1.
The option will also change titles for preview files of the element (instead a Long name 1
there will be Short 1
Keep in mind an additional option for the elements group (preview_name_instead_id
that allows using names instead of preview files ID).
Status settings of the layer of the applied composition (allows adding Motion Blur, 3D, and so on, for the layer).
Value | Description |
3D | |
You can use either one value, or several values sшmultaneously (or even all of them at a time), just separate them by colons :
and write them in any order but in one line.
- The code means, that the applied composition from the extension (to be exact, the layer with the composition) will have options 3D and Adjusment![]()
Allows to assign a type of timing for the applied elements (to add a control marker In/Out, animation reverse, and so on).
To use this option you need to have a special layer with a comment ATOM_TIMING_CONTROL_LAYER
and one marker on a particular time moment (with any title) inside the composition.
A certain point in time is defined by the position of the marker on the layer (usually, the markes should be placed in the ending point of the animation).
The control layer is not needed for some values (see partical "Condition" in value description).
Value | Description |
COPY_MARKERS | Copy markers (preserving their names and a point in time) from the timing control layer to the applied element. Condition: The control layer required |
TIME_REVERSE | Reverse time for the layer animation without markers and particular values (equivalent to Layer > Time > Reverse Layer). Condition: No conditions |
TIME_REMAP_ONLY | Add Time-Remapping without markers and particular values. Condition: No conditions |
TIME_REMAP_LAYER_DURATION | Add Time-Remapping with special values for timing control (the longer the layer - the longer and slower the animation, and vice versa). Condition: No conditions |
TIME_REMAP_IN_OUT | Add Time-Remapping and two markers (In & Out) with special value for the timing control (with proper animation of a shotdown). Suitable for: Scenes with their own animation for a shotdown; proceed with showing the shotdown animation after the marker. Special aspects: You can manage the length and speed of the composition's animation by moving the markers (moreover, make the layer longer or shorter). How to assign: Before application locate the marker (inside the composition on the timing control layer) on a piont of time needed; that point will be a moment of division of start and end of the animation (area between In & Out). Principle of operation: The animation goes from the layer beginning to the marker In (blue line), there's no animation between the markers In and Out (a yellow line is kind of an empty area where the animation is paused). After the marker Out the animation goes on till the layer end. Condition: The control layer needed |
TIME_REMAP_IN_OUT_REVERSE | Add Time-Remapping and two markers (In & Out) with special value for timing control (but with animationf of ending with the help of time backward winding). Fits to: Scenes without their own animation of ending; you need to create it showing the reverse of the current animation. Features: You can control the length and speed of the composition animation due to markers moving (and make the layer longer or shorter). How to apply: Before you use the parameter, place the marker (inside your composition on the timeline control layer) in the moment where the animation ends (after the last keys of the animation) - that point is used to reverse the animation after the marker Out (the reverse). Principle of operation: The animation goes from the layer beginning to the marker In (blue line), there's no animation between the markers In and Out (a yellow line is kind of an empty area where the animation is paused). After the marker Out the animation goes backwords, like from the marker In to the beginning of the layer (imitates the effect of animation ending, in fact it is a reversed animation of appearance). Condition: The control layer is needed |
TIME_REMAP_IN_CONTINUE | Add Time-Remapping and a marker In with the special value for timing control from the beginning of the layer before the marker (after the marker In the animation goes on and doesn't stop). Suitable for: Scenes with elements that have to go on even after the control marker (flashing or other effects). Here you can control the animation before the marker In. Features: You can regulate speed and time of the animation by the marker In, however, the further animation is out of your control, from the end point of the marker In till the end of the layer. How to apply: Before using the marker mentioned, put marker (inside your composition on the timing control layer) into a moment of endimg your main reveil animation (before looped animation) - that point will be used for the reveal animation that goes till the end of the marker In. Principle of operation: The animation goes fron the beginning of the layer till the marker In, after that the animation goes from the moment where the marker In is placed and till the end of the layer. Condition: The control layer required |